Friday, February 27, 2015

30 Day Blog Challenge: Day 5

How appropriate that today's challenge would be: What are the 5 things that make you most happy right now? Not really feeling this whole blog thing today, and was just thinking last night "What did I sign up for!?!?" Maybe this reflection on all things good in my life right now will help wash away the "I don't want to's"
  1. My home!!! I am a new home owner. No the home is not "new", but it is new to me. It is my own space where I can add touches of this and that, and it belongs to me. I can run around with my hair a mess and no bra, or I can even run around naked if I want to. HAHA No, there are no neighbors so I don't have to worry too much about that. 
  2. A very special someone in my life. You know you are. You make me so very happy :)
  3. My "zoo"! Yes they drive me absolutely insane, but I wouldn't trade them for anything. When the cats think I should be paying attention to them instead of posting to my blog, a "head bump" makes it worth it. When the dogs need to go back outside after just coming back in, the unconditional love they give in return makes me smile.
  4. My job!! I absolutely LOVE what I do. Being an ER nurse is my dream job and the most rewarding career I've ever had.
  5. My family and friends! I have an amazing and supportive group of people surrounding me. No matter how long we go between phone calls or texts, I always know they are there for me and love me just as much as I love them.  
It's a short and sweet one today. Thanks for reading as always. Have to work tonight, so I better rest a while and get back to the job I love and what makes me happy!!! I feel better already.....

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