Thursday, February 26, 2015

30 Day Blog Challenge: Day 4

Good Morning!!! Hope everyone had sweet dreams, woke well rested, and ready for an amazing day!!! Today's challenge is: List 10 things you would tell your 16 year old self, if you could. This could be a tough one, but here it goes! These are not in any particular order of importance except for #1....
  1. Your life does not end when you have a's just the beginning to a new story. 
  2. Feeling "different" is OK!
  3. Liking girls instead of boys is OK!
  4. Trust your gut.  If it feels wrong, then it is very very wrong. But if it feels right, go for it with all you have! Don't worry about what others think.
  5. Follow your dreams sooner rather than later. 
  6. You are beautiful just the way you are.You will eventually grow into all that curly hair and freckles.
  7. High school will end and so will all the mean words and rumors. Those that matter don't mind, and those that mind won't matter 5 years from now.
  8. Never lose the "I'll show you and prove you wrong" attitude, because you will show them all and prove all the doubters wrong.
  9.  It's ok to put yourself first sometimes. Don't be a people pleaser and learn to say no!!!
  10. Never quit taking care of yourself and staying in's a bitch to get started again! 
Once I got started, it wasn't too bad. I think I could add more! Hope everyone has an amazing day!! I get to go have an ultrasound on my one of my "girls" today. Wish me luck!!!

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